About .css Drop Down Menus ...

Here is my just completed computer development Project:

Drop Down Menus w/sub-menus, using CSS + jQuery

  1. I keep adding nifty stuff (+ correcting an error or 2).
  2. E.G, I added using Arrow Keys to scroll when browser window is narrow.
  3. Seamless integration of TAB presses + mouse hovering to go from 1 menu item to another.
  4. E.G. user can press TAB while hovering over a menu. Drop down menu is hidden & TAB goes to the next li item for display.
  5. With Speed scrolling between li's.
  6. As a matter of fact, when the drop menus become too long, that is, below the window's bottom edge, pressing TAB will make visible the items that were formerly below the window's bottom edge.
  7. Note that pressing TAB will select the next li. If you simply want to see what is below the window's bottom edge, without selecting another li, just use the Down Arrow. The Browser affects this action, without any new selection.
  8. Oh, what about when you have TABbed to an item way down, try Shift-TAB to scroll up or in reverse .. alternately, press the Up Arrow if you do not want to select anything new.

**Now, the MAGIC**:

Test Menubar

Patriotic Links

Anyway …

**Told you it was magic!**